e-CHREA open webinar
Program and online registration will be through this website
A one-day event on the theme 'Building better Climate Heritage Europe' consisting of presentations as well as open discussions between all participants. Presentations will touch on specific aspects of the proposed main theme. 3 keynote speakers will be invited to address these themes. Participation is free of charge and open to all Heritage institutions as well as other stakeholders with an interest in higher education heritage preservation and adaptation.
April, 2022
e-CREHA open webinar | 28 April, 2022
''Boosting resilience of Europe’s cultural heritage to climate change''
The e-CREHA webinar titled “Boosting resilience of Europe’s cultural heritage to climate change” invites students, researchers, tutors, experts, professionals and policy makers to poster submissions on cross-cultural pedagogies in Heritage Learning, which presents best practices from both the academic and professional practice fields such as architecture and built environment, heritage studies, engineering, design, climate science, software technologies and informatics, tourism and geography, etc.
May, 2023
Seminar Series | 17-19 May, 2023
''About Climatic Heterotopias''
In the realm of the mind and the physical, where boundaries blur and social conventions fade away, lies the climatic heterotopia. It is a place of wonder and awe, where the laws of nature and society are bent to create a harmonious flow energy and matter. Inspired by the heterotopia concept of Foucault this highly symbolic realm is designed to facilitate the flow of life force, pulsing and throbbing in harmony with the rhythm of the universe. It is a space where the environment is revered and cherished, and the physical design of the space is a masterpiece of art and engineering, perfectly balanced and intricately woven...
November, 2023
Final Event | 30 Nov, 2023
''Teaching and Learning on Heritage and Climate Change''
The role that cultural heritage plays for sustainable climate adaptation and mitigation is being increasingly recognized in research and policy-making. Yet, its integration into education has received limited attention. It is challenging to accommodate teaching and learning activities that are multi- and transdisciplinary, inclusive and holistic in approach in traditional higher education models. It is essential to strengthen synergies between heritage and climate science, and to advance their mutual roles in education for climate action....