e-CHREA open webinar
Program and online registration will be through this website
A one-day event on the theme 'Building better Climate Heritage Europe' consisting of presentations as well as open discussions between all participants. Presentations will touch on specific aspects of the proposed main theme. 3 keynote speakers will be invited to address these themes. Participation is free of charge and open to all Heritage institutions as well as other stakeholders with an interest in higher education heritage preservation and adaptation.

Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ (SU) is the first university in Bulgaria established in 1889, and today is the largest and most prestigious educational and research centre in the country with an academic staff of 2000 lecturers and 22000 students in 107 specialties. The Science-Research Department (SU-NIS) is an independent unit of Sofia University, designed to organise, serve and implement project-based research, oriented towards development of new scientific knowledge and applied research products as well as to contribute to the improvement of the education processes.
SU-NIS implements its activities through temporary established creative teams. The Centre of Information Society Technologies (CIST) is set up in 1999 as an interdisciplinary research and training unit of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, aimed at establishing fruitful co-operation between the University – the academic community and industry - SMEs, NGOs, public administration, local community, banking and financial institutions for co-ordinating the efforts in spreading the IST wideimplementation and use. Hosting EURAXESS Bulgaria node, CIST aims to support national and international governmental, non-governmental and industrial organizations for applying policies and strategies related to new technologies. It is designed to strengthen and raise the knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurial culture.
CIST is also engaged in training and educational activities supporting the applications of innovative approaches and new technologies in community development, in education, and in corporate trainings, focusing on the methodological research and dissemination of the best practices related to ICTs. The Centre provides its capabilities at the service of the economic and social needs of the region andthe country, in its efforts to meet the standards of the European Union. The Centre brings together the theoretical and applied interdisciplinary research in IST and their applications in the economic, social and natural sciences and devotes its capacity to strengthen the process of IST implementation and to shorten the process of scientific research development and industry applications. CIST has been involved in more than 60 RTD projects, under different EU and worldwide programmes and initiatives (e.g. FP5, FP6, FP7, H2020, LLL, CIP, eContent, Leonardo da Vinci, ERASMUS +, INTERREG World Bank, etc.).