e-CHREA open webinar
Program and online registration will be through this website
A one-day event on the theme 'Building better Climate Heritage Europe' consisting of presentations as well as open discussions between all participants. Presentations will touch on specific aspects of the proposed main theme. 3 keynote speakers will be invited to address these themes. Participation is free of charge and open to all Heritage institutions as well as other stakeholders with an interest in higher education heritage preservation and adaptation.

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in The Netherlands, founded in 1956, is a research university specializing in engineering science & technology. Our education, research and knowledge valorization contribute to: 1. science for society: solving the major societal issues and boosting prosperity and welfare by focusing on the Strategic Areas of Energy, Health and Smart Mobility; 2.science for industry: the development of technological innovation in cooperation with industry; 3. science for science: progress in engineering sciences through excellence in key research cores and innovation in education.
The University is structured around 9 departments and 11 service entities. TU/e has 3,055 employees (33% international) and 2,044 academic staff. The Students' population includes: 4,700 Bsc, 3,070 MSc and 1,150 PhD candidates. The Bachelor's and Master's programs are incorporated in a Bachelor College and Graduate School respectively. Since September 2015 both programs are taught in English. TU/e offers a variety of high-quality courses developed in line with the life-long learning principles: 11 three-year Bachelor’s programs (BSc); 22 two-year Master’s degree programs (MSc) and11 two-year designer programs (PDEng). TU/e offers double degree programs. These may be converted into joint degree programs.
TU/e accommodates 9 research groups and participate with numerous research institutions and research schools. About 15research projects are under development and in collaboration with foreign research organizations/partner universities.
Cooperation in Europe is strongly supported by participation in the institutional networks, as Eurotech Universities, CLUSTER, CESAER and the Santander Group. The TU/e also participates in the Leo-net network to improve the opportunities for students to find internships.