e-CHREA open webinar
Program and online registration will be through this website
A one-day event on the theme 'Building better Climate Heritage Europe' consisting of presentations as well as open discussions between all participants. Presentations will touch on specific aspects of the proposed main theme. 3 keynote speakers will be invited to address these themes. Participation is free of charge and open to all Heritage institutions as well as other stakeholders with an interest in higher education heritage preservation and adaptation.

The University of Molise was established in 1982.It is located over 3 campuses: Campobasso (headquarters), Termoli and Pesche. It is composed of 6 Departments which encompass scientific research and learning, and whose macro-areas are: agriculture, biology, health and medicine, computer sciences, engineering and medical engineering, economics, law, political sciences, social work, communication, tourism, literature, teacher education. The University at present offers: 20 first level (bachelor) degree courses, 12 second level (masters) degree courses, 5 Phd programs (each with diverse curricula) and other post graduate and specializing courses spread over the said departments and two graduate schools of Law and Medicine. The University counts about 10000 students, and about 600 among faculty members, researchers, and administrative staff.
The Research activity spreads over several national and international projects; the internationalization is articulated into students and staff mobility (Erasmus), extra-UE student’s mobility, international summer schools, double degree programs, Erasmus KA2 projects (strategic partnerships, knowledge alliances, capacity building).The University of Molise features a network of 6 museums, 4 students’ residences, a central library, an Aula Magna, a sports center.
The Master of Civil Engineering and of Tourism and Cultural Heritage and the Bachelor of Tourism are some courses offered by the Department of Biosciences and Territory. Bachelor students of Tourism and Maser students of Management of Tourism and Cultural Heritage will receive expertise in the interpretation and management of cultural and territorial heritage for planning, organizing and management of tourism systems. They will be able to access various types of professional opportunities including companies and institutions operating in the fields of protection and the enhancement of cultural heritage, research centers and companies operating in the fields of communication and marketing for the promotion of cultural tourism and environmental heritage.
The Master's Degree Program in Civil Engineering aims to provide interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding in the main sectors of build environment. The course covers classic engineering topics, such as land use planning, infrastructure design, their construction and monitoring with particular attention to safety, environmental impact and sustainability. The different classes offer traditional engineering knowledge and methodologies but integrated with innovative and technological methods. All students are also be able to access research doctorates, masters, advanced courses or other post-graduate activities.