e-CHREA open webinar
Program and online registration will be through this website
A one-day event on the theme 'Building better Climate Heritage Europe' consisting of presentations as well as open discussions between all participants. Presentations will touch on specific aspects of the proposed main theme. 3 keynote speakers will be invited to address these themes. Participation is free of charge and open to all Heritage institutions as well as other stakeholders with an interest in higher education heritage preservation and adaptation.
September, 2021
Workshops (Intensive Study Programs) for implementing and testing new pedagogies according to the specific themes of the modules.
Knowledge: RESILIENCE (conceptualization/prospective)
E_CREHA ISP 1: International Intensive Studio in Heritage and Climate Change-Architectural Design1.
-- Hosted by TU/e-Eindhoven, The Netherlands
-10-days student workshop
-6 studio following practically different studio methods
-8 students per studio led by 2 tutors and 1 teaching assistant.
-There were excursions, reviews, critics and panels through this process.
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TU/e - ISP1 - Workshop on Resilience
September, 2022
Resource: IMPACT (contextualisation) and VULNERABILITY (uncertainty)
E_CREHA ISP 2: International Intensive Studio in Heritage and Climate Change-Architectural Design2
-- Hosted by UNIMOL-Universita' degli Studi del Molise, Italy
-10-days student workshop
-4 studio following practically different studio methods
-30 students, 18 tutors.
-There were excursions, reviews, critics and panels through this process.
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UNIMOL - ISP2 - Workshop on Impact & Vulnerabilities
September, 2023
Solution: Built heritage adaptations pathways (innovation)
E_CREHA ISP 3: International Intensive Studio in Heritage and Climate Change-Architectural Design3
-- Hosted by TOBB ETU- University of Economics and Technology, Turkey
-10-days student workshop
-4 studio following practically different studio methods
-20 students, 16 tutors.
-There were excursions, reviews, critics and panels through this process.